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4:25 p.m. - 2002-02-06

Diaryland survey

1. What is your name?

Fritz... Given this is not my legal name but it's the one everybody friends, family, hell even my Gov ID has Fritz on it. The only person to call me by my legal name was my ninth grade trigonometry teacher but then again I was never conscience enough in that class to notice or care.

2. Your age?

23... Physically and somewhere between 8 - 16 Mentally.

3. What is your Dland name?


4. Why did you choose it?

I really wanted to be just "Fritz" But some looser had already taken it. He hadn't even updated in like 6 months or something... Grrrr I was a bit peeved I wanted to be The "Fritz" on D-land.. so I became... "TheFritz". Funny thing is I just checked and that guy's diary is no longer around... I could probably get "Fritz" now... Oh well.. "TheFritz" works well and has grown on me. Plus it has that whole when-things-go-screwy they go on the-fritz kinda double meaning to it... and we all know I'm kinda screwy.

5. How long have you been a member?

Since Febuary 26th, 2001. Damn close to that one year mark!

6. How did you find out about Diaryland?

As I said in my first entry I read about online diaries on MSNBC one day... then stumbled upon D-Land and then Nicole's diary and I was hooked!

7. Good experiences on Diaryland?

Wow! Where to start? I gotten new wonderful friends from Dland and conversely I've steered a few friends to start their own diaries. But if I had to choose one Dland moment.. It'd would have to be the time when I had that one question that was bugging the heck outta me and the very next day a lovely Dland Reader sent me the answer while she was on vacation in PARIS!

8. Bad experiences on Diaryland?

No bad ones per say there was that time my EBF had been to Diaryland and either had a diary or just had started a profile. Not bad really it just freaked the shit out of me.

9. What's the best thing about Dland?

The community here. It's truly filled with wonderful caring people all here sharing their lives with one another.

10. Worst thing?

It's so big that it's almost daunting sometimes... but that really isn't a complaint.

11. Have you gotten any friends through Dland?

Oh yes- I just wish there were more.

12. How many Diaryland accounts you have?

1.5 this and firstimes which I have more than negligent with but am considering bringing back... if not just to please one devoted... very devoted fan.

13. Do you have a story/zine/article diary in addition to your "normal" diary?

nope this is it

14. What kind of Diaries do you like to read?

I don't know if there is just one type...but I do seem to be drawn to diaries of people with strong personalities

14. What kind of Diaries don't you like to read?

Not to stereotype but I tend to avoid the teeny-bopper diaries.. I just cant seem to enjoy them... no real offense, I mean I'm sure that they feel as if their problems/lives are for real... I just don't.

15. Your favorite Diaries?

My fav list in my profile is very much just that. If you find yourself there... it's cause I make it a point to read your entries when you update.

16. Do you use Diaryland layout defaults, or custom layout?

A very very custom layout...

17. If you use a custom-made layout, who made it for you?

Me *bows* thankyou very much

18. If you made your layout by yourself, or if you got a chance to wish for a layout theme when you requested for one, what influenced you, why did you choose to go with that particular theme or thing?

First i am a fan of simple layouts. So i wanted to keep mine as simple as I could. As far as the pics I choose... they were all taken by me in my intro to photography class my senior year of college. I know I'm due for a diary make over but.. been putting it off. Cause I do want to do it myself and it be mine... not just copy someone's code. It's just a personal thing... I feel as if I really should be able to know html enough to do it myself ya know?

19. Do you use the mail forwarding Diaryland offers for members?

AbsoFuckinglutely.-However I'm not sure why? No one ever uses it...(take this as a strong hint to change that little fact).

20. What kind of things do you write about in your diary?

I'd say a little of everything... my thoughts, my life, my feelings... Now, those who know me in real life or who are true coinsures of my dairy might know there are a few aspects I do leave out... Basically the reason is so that anybody in my life (with an exception perhaps of my EBF) could stumble upon this and I'd still be able to face them the next day... To that end I have drawn lines about what I discuss here and what I don't... But with that said... I am an open book... and will gladly share any aspect of my life with anybody who asks...(just email, IM or Guestbook me) There are just some things I don't want have recorded for prosperity... shall we say.

21. How often do you update?

I try hard to update at least once every workday. Sometimes its more sometimes its less. When I started this was more like two times everyday but I just wasn't able to keep that up... now when I do an update I just add it to the bottom of the one there and change the buddy list to reflect the update.

22. Do you get comments often?

One or two week but no where near enough for my ego to be satisfied...

23. When people comment, do they comment the content or the layout?

Since I haven't updated my layout for awhile I don't really get comments on it. But I do get comments on my content and that means more to me anyways... There's a lot more of me in the words here than there is in the pics or code.

24. When people comment, do they use the Analyzer, Guestbook, e-mail or other commenting thing?

Guest Book 99% of the time.. every now and then a friend might email me about an entry or something...

25. Do you have a NotifyList?


26. Do you have an account from

Yuep... works just dandy!

27. Do you have a page at Pitas?

Nope, never really got those...

28. Do you have a personal website somewhere, in addition to your diary?

Not really... Have webspace.. but no page. Might at some point but haven't come up with a reason too. I mean I have this.. and this is enough.

29. If so -- is your diary (or diaries) linked from it?


30. Have you met any weirdos during your stay at Dland?

Hun?... well not really I guess. But then again, I also have a pretty high "weird" threshold.

31. What kind of extra stuff you have on your diary (e.g polls, poems, stories, art...)?

I guess I'm sorta lacking in that respect. Just me and my words... I did offer up one of my poems once but there was like a single taker o ... not too surprised though... But I have started playing with my digital camera... I should have some things to post here soon enough.

32. Do you like to see extra things on people's diaries, or do you think the written content of the diary itself is more important?

Definitely the content is most important... As long as the layout makes it easy to get from one entry to another then I'm happy... I guess one thing that I do enjoy and it's massively hypocritical of me... is that if there is a pic of the person... And no it's not that I consider looks important.... It's just that to have a face to go along with the thoughts and feelings make them so much more real/vivid. Maybe one day I'll give you all a little taste of me... just don't have the nerve quite yet... I guess if someone was real curious they could email me or something.

33. Do you have accounts on other diary hivesites such as LiveJournal etc.?

Nope I popped my diary cherry here and never felt the urge to stray... I'm 100% faithful to Andrew and the Diary God he is.

34. Have you registered your diary to contests like "top 100 diaries" or such?

Not really... I got mine reviewed once. But that's bout it and that was torture enough on my ego.

35. What is more important: writing to your diary or getting hits, comments or becoming well-known on Dland or well-known as a diary writer?

I like the writing... but I honestly don't think I'd keep it up if it wasn't for the fact that I knew people were reading this. And that little ego in me would love to be well-know in this D-land community. But I think my small little blurb on my profile about sums it up...

"I'm just a Fritz in the world. Love me or leave me. Or love me then leave me. Or leave me then love me. How about just loving me?"

36. Do you know your average hit per day rate at the moment?

God! What a ego deflating question... honestly I average about 10/day that aren't me... Used to be more... used to be less... C'est La Vie...

37. How many people are linking to your diary from their profiles at this moment?

13 Which is a all time high for me....

38. Do you know why they link to you?

Some are my friends, And some I guess like reading this or are just taking sympathy on me...

39. Are you a Diaryland Gold Member and if you aren't, would you like to be one?

No, I am not and this is a large source of guilt for me... I promise someday soon I will.

40. If you are a Gmember, why did you sign up for it? And if you aren't but would like to, why?

I don't need the webspace... I honestly just want to give back to Andrew and the community here.

41. Why did you originally sign up for your diary account, and has the reason changed during your stay at Dland?

Well a short answer is here . But this is a far more detail explanation.

42. If you can track down referring urls, what is the most common search that generates your site in the results?

Oh god... honestly the phrase "mancoon cat" from this entry. is the most common hit maker and the funny thing is... I never wrote that... I was just posting White's reply to my snide little letter to him.

43. Have you ever been quoted or submitted material to quoted?

My current status is: UNQUOTED


44. Have you eve submitted and/or been published at oddgoogle?

Never really had a goggle worthy of it.

45. What makes you link to other diaries?

If it's something I read / want to read on a daily basis it's on my fav list. If I talk about a diary I'll link it in text. And if someone takes the time to sign my guestbook... I try to thank them in an entry.

46. Diaryland ad banners, good or bad?

They're cool... and every now and then effective enough to make click them.

47. Diaryrings for Gmembers only, good or bad?

Yeah it's a good way to limit their numbers and plus it's agood reward for those who took the effort to join up.

48. Diaryrings, good or bad?

Quite good.. On two respects... it's a way so see who has similar interests as you and they also serve like badges. So that a new comer to his/her diary can quickly get a feel for what that the person is like just by seeing what diaryrings they belong too.

49. Old Analyzer vs. new Analyzer, good or bad?

Eh? Explain to me.....?????

50. Do you wish to evolve as a writer through or using your diary, or do you just write?

I think it's something that just happens. I mean if you take the time to write something (hopefully at least semimeaningful) everyday. Your writing is going to improve.

51. Do you ever plan what to write, or is it all spontaneous?

Often I'll think of something and go... "Shit I should do an entry on that" . Or I'll just start to go over my past day and that'll lead me to some tangent.. Sometimes though it's just from the seat of my pants babble... but you all probably guessed that already.

52. Has writing a diary helped you in any way, or have you had negative results?

No negative results at all thus far. I've made friends, no doubt became a better writer and over all have a better grasp of me and my thoughts on things plus a record there of.

53. Has your diary ever been found by someone you've written about?

Sure, White... but that anit no big deal. And like I said in Q8 my EBF probably has but then again... She still hasn't talked to me before or afterwards so I have no idea if it was a bad thing or a good thing or even when it was... yeah... spooky eh?

54. Have you ever shown your diary to people you've written about and if so, what did they think?

They've come across it... it's been all-good. Some have thanked me for using colors and not names but really nothing bad has ever come from it. Hell, I get more shit about not talking about some people...

55. Have you written a cast, terms list or anything similar on your diary for readers to catch the meaning of words and names in your diary?

No not really I have a private list of the colors I've used but that's just for me. This is my dairy and I am only comfortable in discussing my life... to publicize their would just seem weird to me ya know...

56. How do you review your own entries -- what kind of entries are good ones, what bad?

I type them in Word first.. to spare you all my horrendous spelling (IM sometime... then you'll find out how awful of a speller I am) and usually give them a quick once over to catch any obvious mistakes. As far as which are better then others... I guess the ones leave my soul feeling a little bit lighter are the ones I know I can be proud of.

57. Have you ever deleted your own entries and if you have, was there a particular reason?

Nope not a one

58. Why did you choose to write a diary online, instead of keeping a locked book under your pillow, so to speak?

I wouldn't keep up a private one... I guess I'm not enough audience for me.

59. Do you think there's a big difference between online and offline diaries and if so, what do you think these differences are?

I think there's more accountability online. More incentive to keep writing. Plus then there's the whole community aspect we have here... All you have to do is write to belong and I feel that's more than a great deal.

60. Any final comments, thoughts, words of wisdom or random babble about Dland, other diary hive sites, diary-writing online or in general?

I love it here and I love you guys. If you keep reading, I'll keep writing....

AS ALWAYS... Take Care,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















