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10:24 a.m. - 2003-02-21

Almost Forgotten

Wow� I can hardly believe it. It probably would have flown right past me had someone not mysteriously signed my guest book reminding my that my two year Dland anniversary is coming up. Next Wednesday will be mark two years of entries.

Ahhh but there�s more. So like the mystery signer did not leave a name� that�s odd. A quick check of my stats revealed that they were in Maryland more specifically the Hyattsville area� Given I have a decent number of Maryland dland buds, but they all would have left their name� It didn�t hit me until this morning. It took me that long to even suspect it� My EBF (estranged best friend / now can also be referred to as my ex-best friend). It makes a lot of sense. I mean she was one of the major reasons I started this page and I know she knows about this cause she even had her own here for a bit. Ahhh and yesterday was February 19th which now that I think of it, marks exactly two years since she ejected herself from my life. The most notable thing about this all though, is my internal reaction. Last year around this time it / she was huanting me. But this year I had totally forgotten about it� not about her but her place in my life�it�s sooo much less impactful now. I honestly feel like I�m over it. Given, I�ve got scars and it�s certainly permanently f�ed me up pretty bad. But it doesn�t affect like it did not too long ago.

And I think I know why�

I have regained my faith in my ability to be / have a best friend. See, the questioning and doubting of that fact had driven me to the lowest lows of my life over the last two years. And lead to the issues you all have seen pop up from time to time. But, due to the concentrated efforts of Silver and Maroon� I have faith again. I know that there are people out there goofy enough to handle me and all my quirks and truly appreciate me for who I honestly am. Given they are few and far between. But that just makes them all the more valuable! In exchange their acceptance & appreciation, I in turn give them my heart. This is how Fritz works�

And I now I feel that he can work and this all will work out.

Take care,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















