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8:19 a.m. - 2002-01-11

Tis done

The wave has crashed. The wild ride is over. I�m back on the beach now glancing over the ocean of this past week while heading briskly to the boardwalk of the weekend. *(sigh)*

I pulled a 12 hour day yesterday here. But it was worth it. I got that report and sent it up. I feel kinda bad about complaining all that much. I mean before this week� I seriously was doing almost nothing here and felt sort of worthless. Then all of a sudden I am preparing and finalizing rather important submissions for upper ups here and sending then straight to even (and quite high) higher upper ups without any final reviews. They worked me hard but also put a lot of trust in me at the same time. In the end, I got it done and I think I did a good job, I feel good about it all, at least. I did consider calling in sick of work today just to get a jump start on the weekend�. However I woke up this morning with an unusual �It�s-Friday� excitement bubbling in me and decided to stick it out with the knowledge I�d have a rather lax day here.

So yesterday was one of those days where it seems everybody and their monkey are just having the worse of times. White has had a hellish few weeks and yesterday was no exception� out of respect for him I shalln�t get into it here but all should send him hugs. Sliver had a bad time at work too, but in the got-bitched-at-way as opposed to my overworked way. And like, everyone else just was in disgruntled moods too. Of course that then creates a tornado of bad synergy that makes bad days worse. Eh� but sleep and the day�s end came rather quickly and it�s behind me and it�s Friday�. Ahhhhhhhhhhh

This weekend is pretty well jam packed. The major goal is the window seat. Yea�. Power tools! In fact I�m going have to have to buy a new (awwww darn right?) I don�t have a sander yet. Gots to have one of those. It�s been awhile since I�ve got to play thr handy man, so I�m looking forward to it. And don�t worry you all, I have a far better past record with power tools then I do with steps. Actually the biggest challenge I see is getting the plywood home. An 8 foot by 4 foot sheet off wood can be a pretty difficult thing to deal with, even with a truck�� We�re also having company for the weekend which will be supplement by Purple Sunday night�. Good times are in store for all. Wish the same for you all.

Oh yeah� Thanks Meri for signing mi old Guest Book. It gets lonely sometimes ya know�.

Well Take Care all,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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