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10:04 a.m. - 2001-12-17

Nothing like a major head wound to spoil an otherwise wonderful weekend.

No really it can. I was having a simply spectacular weekend. The 24 hours from getting off of work on Friday until Saturday afternoon were just one big record-breaking ball of fun. Saturday night was spent enjoy some very pleasant phone chats with some very dear friends. Sunday started off fine� I was going to get some needed projects done around the house. Put a new towel rack in the master bathroom (one just anit enough) and put some hooks on the back of some doors. Well I kept having to run down stairs to get more and more tools has the �easy� job became more and more difficult. Uhg� If you don�t know I have a split-foyer type of house. So the stairs are a half of a flight� then landing then other half flight. So like I ran down the steps my first trip. Skipped down them on the second. Hopped down them on the third. But the fourth trip down I leapt�. Had no problems clearing the entire first flight. The only thing then above me was the foyer light� But as I was leaping down the second flight. I found myself landing flat on my back at the bottom of the steps. My first thought was �how the hell did I end up like this?� then my senses started to report in. �Damn yo my back hurts like a mofo� Last but not least �Holy SHIT my head�.� at this point I felt a rather large bump on my head and� wetness�.. �Oh shit!!! with that I ran back up stairs to the kitchen where there were two important things, paper towels and vinyl floors. So with a wad of paper towel pressed up against my head I went to assess the damage. A look in the mirror reveled a two-inch gash well within my hairline and that my iris/ pupils were still responsive to light. The quick inspection of the scene of the incident� showed that I in my hurry, had slammed my head into the corner of the floor above the descending steps causing a nice but subtle dent. Further examination surfaced that since this was a corner there was a metal edge under the paint which was what created the gash and helped make the dent �subtle�.

The wad of paper towels was soaking up a decent amount of blood but it certainly wasn�t anything to panic about. Though I did start to wonder whether I should go and get it checked out� maybe even get a stitch or two. Not wanting / trusting myself to make a truly appropriate decision I called up Sunrise Yellow and asked her if she�d come over and give it a look.

It didn�t seem to cause her any undo alarm, which together with her presence helped me relax about it all. Her take was that if it didn�t stop bleeding in a half an hour that maybe I should go and get it looked at. Well, when that came around and it still was seeping a bit I made up my mind that it was fine as is. I mean it wasn�t bleeding profusely anymore. And since it�s well within the hairline I�m not worried about the scarring. But what was the underlying real reason Fritz didn�t want to go to the doc�s and get stitched al up? Cause he didn�t want them to shave his head� Yes, only pure vanity can trump a head wound.

But don�t you all worry, I�m doing fine now. The bleeding stopped last night and I was able to wash my head this morning without opening it back up. And anyways, it was all cause I was being a dumbass so please don�t waste your sympathy on me.

Lastly I see that angelfire is screwing up my images� I�ll work on a quick fix today then see about a more permanent solution later� I mean it was time for me to update my layout anyway�

Take Care all,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















