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11:24 a.m. - 2002-10-24


Man, was I in a mood yesterday. It was a nice change of pace, I haven�t been a silly goof ball in awhile� well at least, not in that exact way. And I was able to carry that mood throughout the remainder of the day and ended up having a very chill day. Got into the Hot tub right after work. God how I missed it! It was just a quick dip. After which, I made dinner. Scratch that, I crafted dinner. It was freaking art I tell ya. Beef and vegetable stroganoff. By that I mean, one pan of traditional beef Stroganoff for White and I, and a separate pan of vegetarian stroganoff for Silver. Both were F*cking delicious if I do say so myself, and I do! That was followed by a quick round of dorking and topped off with another hottub dip. You have to realize, this right now is prime hot tub weather. The air is cool enough to keep you from getting too hot too quick and provides for the most wonderful feeling of contrast. Ya know that tingling feeling you get when getting into the shower on cold winter morning� imagine being able to prolong that.. oh yeah! MMmmmmm�. T�was a nice and funky day.

Plus I gots me so much Gbook love, damn yo! velvetorange, Goovie, Misty, Blue, elateddream & Marla you guys so rock! And I�m so not worthy. You hear that? I am NOT worthy (however don�t let that stop ya ;)

I feel the like I should be going on some rant or something but I know if I were to start it�d probably end up being about how the Simpson�s are directly connected to all that is good, thus are either proof that god exists or possibly god it self. And why go on and on about something which is already so obviously true. Ya know? You all would just be like duh!, tell me something I don�t know *sigh*

Today�s Lessons.

-The Chesapeake Bay has about the same salinity as your tears and thus does not hurt your eyes like ocean or fresh water can.

-Do not forget to appreciate the changing color of the trees in your hometown whilst you can.

-Lola was a showgirl, 20 years ago at that place that�s now a disco.

-Pumpkins, gourds & corn stalks = festive fruits.

-Never underestimate the power of cool coworkers.

-This is by far! Hands Down! The best Urban Legend Site ever! Go there and read up on all the spooky stories. You shalln�t be disappointed in the least.

Take Care,


Fritz quote of the day �Not even Disney could come up with a Step mom like her�

It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















