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1:08 p.m. - 2002-05-17

More Movies,

I forgot something yesterday in my little discussion about movies and how stories make great movies. That was the narrowing down� to the aspect of a story that then in turn makes a great story�. All movies have a story� but some are much better than others. Think about the big three I discussed last entry, Star Wars, Spider Man, N Lord of the Rings. They all share a common element in their stories. They all have the aspect of destiny as a central player. Now just cause a movie plays with the idea of destiny doesn�t not guarantee a good movie, However, if handled well, destiny is a truly inspiring theme. It allows a common man/character to achieve great things� greater things then their peers and perhaps greater then they ever felt they deserve. That kinda out of the blue sky blessing of their lives and of themselves. It touches that aspect that we all share� we would all like to aspire to greatness and to do wonderful things but rarely if ever get the chance. In each of these movies the character was handed their chance on a platter. True, more often then not, they handle their opportunities better then we could, but we all like to think we too would rise up like them.

Funny how I mention achieving greatness so much here� cause I certainly failed it last night. I�d like to apologies to a certain someone whose phone call I missed last night. It weird. I had no intentions of seeing Clones last night. But when my household decided they were going well I had to choose either to go with or not be able to participate in or be around any conversation for the next umpteen weeks until I went to see it.

So I went.. And had a truly superb time. It�s a damn fine movie. Hehehehe� I think the review White got yesterday about sums up the movie � Yoda, Yoda, Yoda. Multiple missile launches are cool. Yoda, Yoda, Yoda with lighting! Did I mention Yoda?�.�

If you thought Phantom was too slow, Clones will be a huge relief� so much action it gets almost dizzy at times. And like all of the movies it leaves you with SOOOO many discussion points. The closer and closer this series gets too the trilogy the more exciting it gets to see how the two tie together. Hehehehe Can�t wait! Yay! I shalln�t discuss any of the points here cause I don�t want to spoil the movie for any of you who are waiting to see it at an appropriate theater like I WAS planning too.

So it looks like there�s more travel in my future then just FL. The week after memorial-day-week, IE the first week of June I�ll probably be in NC. Now I�m not that big of a work-travel fan to begin with, But that weeks esp sucks! That�s the week I�m supposed to be getting my Hot Tub! Talk about being torn� as always I�ll fill you in with that as it develops. As far as my backyard project goes. I just ordered the stuff to make a plain 8�x8� paver patio for the hot tub. So fun will be had there�. It�s all for the greater good (Hot tub, Hot tub, Hot tub (my mantra as of late)

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend,

Take care,


PS Thanks much to Meri for the Guest Book Love�YAY!

It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















