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10:22 a.m. - 2002-05-21

Ethical Gut

Well thank you all for responding (Karen, Pam, Marla, Nicole & Batten) to my little ethical question last entry. And while most of you were quite supportive� my gut told me otherwise. I felt like I had done something wrong. Now given that little gut warning did not come up when I first remembered I knew the �combo� Nor did it go off when I said to myself I wonder if it still works. But the very second I entered it n it worked that�s when it decided to go off like an atom bomb. I knew I had done bad. But it�s ok� just a misdemeanor of sorts. I did not go any further and I shall not. Hell, if there is one thing I know I have it�s will power especially in cases where there are rather distinct lines of right and wrong like this one. But still� *sigh*

Work is going well. Today has been a productive day of sorts thus� But the boss is still out so getting more than that done is severely impeded. Kinda daunting. The productive shall not go to waste though I�m planning on making sure via calling everybody and their red-headed-step-children (an expression whose �coining� I have never completely understood) that my backyard/hottub acquisition plan is still all �GO�. As far as it stands now the patio supplies will be delivered on Thursday instead of this past weekend (apparently a truck broke down) and the fence people will start their building on Friday. Fun fun�.

I also attempted to contact a long lost high school friend yesterday. A few weeks ago I had tried unsuccessfully with another friend. Now given I am not 100% completely sure these email address are correct but I�m rather confident. I send out a nice short �how the hell are ya� it�s been too long etc�� email and get nada in return. Eh� Well I truly hope they are doing well. Both of them come from a little group of friends I was rather close too during highschool but who for the most part have all dropped of the ends of the earth afterwards. I would soo love to hear how they were doing.

Take care,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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