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11:23 a.m. - 2002-05-22

My Star Wars Rant...

Warning... the following rant will no doubt give away a lot of what

Happens in Clones... So you are hereby warned. And in case you would't like to

Have it spoiled, I have already written a complete and independent entry here. So please just go there and read that instead even if you have seen Clones and just are sick of it all or maybe you just can't get enough of me and want to go here to see what else I might have to say...

Ok ya get the hint right?

Last night I went to see Clones again, this time with Sunrise Yellow who hadn't Seen it yet. And even though I was tired as all get out and my dinner consisted of a half a bag of popcorn I still had a blast. Since it's been out for about week now I feel as if it's ok to publicly discuss it now. Hummm.... where to begin. Well, lets start off with I'm a little slow. There was a lot (and some of it BIG) I didn't pick up on till my second viewing. Such as the prodigy litany... Yoda trained Count Dooku who trained Qui-Gon Jinn who trained Obi-Wan who trained Anakin. Shit Yo not even the Kennedy's can match that. I also finally understood why Yoda and the Jedi's put up with Asshole-Anakin, they are sooo freaked out over this Dark Side Shroud Which is like a major wrench in their force works, that they feel compelled to take comfort in this prophecy that no doubts surrounds Asshole-Anakin. Oh will they ever be surprised when they realize that "balance to the force" does not mean things back to the good old happy days, but means death to them all except Yoda and Obi who have the pleasure of spending the rest of their days in planet O' swamp and Bumfuck Desert? All the while, Emperor and Vader get to become all powerful in nice plush space pads. Fair? Balanced? I think not... I know, I know before all you go full out geek on me, The prophecy is most likely referring to the end of Jedi when AssholeAnakin/Vader throws Emperor/ Darth Sidious/Supreme Chancellor Palpatine/ Sith Master to his final doom. Speaking of Dark Cloak dude... where the FUCK did he come from. I mean he has to be biggest badass there has ever been. I mean what other supreme villain gets to be the bad guy in like six movies straight? Not only that... but to be able to sit right in front of the Jedi's and be like "I is cool" and them not see / sense shit. Damn yo.. all while doing that jedi mind trick on like the majority of The senate. Where does a jedi with those balls come from? Please tell me... Ok, but that's still not the biggest mystery. No the biggest mystery is How Asshole-Anakin still gets laid after all that? Really come on... the sympathy card can only be played so far. Now, I know you're thinking... well come on, he's a jedi... those jedi powers in bed? Eh?..... But really? I would think Padme has got to smarter and above those weakness. The last time she saw him he was a little boy and now he's a full grown Asshole with new and exciting powers that allows him to become super Asshole! Yet still in the end he get's to be with the nicest midriff in The entire move... eh will some exsplain that to me?

Take care,


Best quote heard about the movie "Jedi Padawan gives right arm to Get Naboo Senator into bed."

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If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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