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8:55 a.m. - 2002-05-08


So I got like a gazillion (the fact that MS Word recognizes gazillion as a real word always amuses me) goals this week. First and foremost I�m trying real hard to finish my deck today. Why? Cause I want to be able to say I built and finished my deck when I was 23 and well after tomorrow that just won�t be the case ;). Related to that goal is getting my up coming hot tub�s concrete and electrical requirements all figured out. But the newest addition to the list is emailing two old highschool friends who I haven�t seen since really since then. We were all real close but as it happens in life all too often we�ve drifted apart� anyways. I had this dream last night in which one of them (who is one of the sweetest most caring persons I have ever known) ripped me a new one for being so out of touch. And well since I have been doing so well on my other New Year resolutions I�d figured this would be a good sign to go and give them a shout. I�ll let you all know how that goes�

(Note the rest of the entry was written yesterday during a meeting)

Busy week Yo

Sorry about no update yesterday� Remember that hellish meeting I was stuck in last week? Yeah well, that meeting is my whole week now. I�m not waking and going to work� I�m waking up and going to that meeting� which is worse.. real worse�*sigh*. And when I get home I�m still going all out on my deck. I�m trying to get it done before my birthday which is at the end of the week. And you know? I might just be able to pull that off. I had a fabulous weekend but it was spent working.. of course.

This is my birthday week though.. and unlike past birthday�s I�m not really expecting or even wanting anything. I mean with this back yard project and everything that has come with it� I have no real wants� and you know that feels real nice. I�m usually quite �. Well greedy� especially with �toys� �. Very very me me me� But it is a part of me I am quite ashamed of and have been trying to work on. It�s nice to see progress. Really the nicest thing I could get for this birthday is for my dad and my grandfather to tell me how proud they are of me and my deck.

So I�m writing this entry at the meeting. I feel kinda bad about it� I really should be pay attention but it�s like death valley here� Dry and heated� there are a lot of pent up feelings about very boring stuff� but such is my job. I get paid and that�s what matters.

In other senses I�m feeling like I�m getting real close to the top of the roller coaster. I mean things right now are great. Hell, better than great. But a lot of it can�t last all that long. Ya know? So then what� I�m trying not to give it all that much thought cause well it would diminish my current great time and plus there are still a few big things on the horizon that will be plus too. (Read: The Hot Tub Delivery) But that feeling is out there like a fire truck siren on a distant road.

(Back to present time)

That all was stuck on my laptop, not the best of writing but like I said it was during a meeting� Anyways I�ll probably not be around too much for the rest of the week due to deck stuff and plus I have the rest of the week off from work. But before I go much love and thanks goes out to Mindy, Kat, Abs, Kristy , Pam, Candace, OrneryPest for their wonderful recent Guest Book Love!

You all take care


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















