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3:43 p.m. - 2001-12-10

The best time doing awful miserable work

Let me first just record for prosperity sake, Last Thursday night was a truly most wonderful experience which I shalln�t discuss further in this dairy (ha ha�.)

Saturday though� I spent the day doing hard miserable work in the cold wet rain and enjoyed every minute of it. It�s a long story. A little old lady who I grew up next to had to move her stuff down the road because she had been recently swindled out of her house. My dad called me I called in some friends. Together we moved three very full very large U-Huals worth of stuff in the cold rain. (Why did have to start acting like winter on that particular day� eh). She�s now in the legal process of getting her house back.

WARNING: Corny Alert!

I apologize now for how gushy the following will probably sound.

When we were done she was overwhelmed to see how many people showed up and all that we got done. She couldn�t believe that there were that many people willing to help her. (Irony is that if she had known this before hand she�d never had gotten into this mess). But I honestly wanted to thank her. It certainly bordered the line of being selfish. I mean how often do you get a chance to help out a little old lady, moreover a swindled little old lady? Throw in the timing (pre x-mas / post sept11) of it all and I feel completely relived of nagging conscience at least for the time being. I�m just waiting for someone to ask me �What have you done for you fellow man recently?� I could so throw down on that one! Not to mention that�s got to be worth a butt-load of Karma Chips. If I died today, I�d surely be able to get pass St. Peter� (not too often I can say that confidently)

I�ve done my introspection of this and I tell you at core of why I was so willing to drop my plans and help was community. No not the metasocial sense of we�ll-all-in-this-life-together community, but like your neighborhood kind of community. See I grew up in the same house for my entire life up to college. This makes for some pretty deep roots. And even though I now live a good hour away I still feel very attached to that community. It was very kind to me and I grew up a very happier kid for it. I saw this as a direct way I could pay homage / respect to it.

After it was all said and done. My parents took me out to dinner. On the way we ended getting stopped on Eastport Bridge while�.. The parade of lights was going on. And we had the best parking spot in town� right there on the bridge. (For the vast majority of you not in the know, the parade of lights happens every year �round x-mas� people dress up their sail / motorboats with sting after sting of lights. Some just look pretty and some make moving pictures) Given the fact we didn�t know it was going on, it turned out to be a great time. Then dinner on top of that all, was the bookend to one very long but very spectacular day.

Sunday was spent trying to get into the x-mas spirit. Now that the weather has started behaving a little more like x-mas as opposed to Labor Day I felt it time to do the x-mas stuff I always told myself I�d do after I had my own house. I put up some lights outside and bought myself my very own x-mas tree. I had to go to four stores to find a tree stand and still ended up buying that store�s last one. But never the less got one and a tree to go into it. This one, being the my first, is kinda bare. I mean how many ornaments to you expect a 23 year-old guy to own? But it has lights and a decent number of plain glass balls.

Between all that happen Sat and Sun I�m coming out of this weekend supercharged with x-mas spirit. Hope you all had a good one.

Take Care


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For the record - 2004-06-06
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If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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