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10:08 a.m. - 2002-10-02

Dis / A / Anti / Non / In / Un goodness�

I�m back. And I wish I had tons of happy happy joy joy to spread out to you all. I don�t. Yesterday was a rough day� The drive to and fro recruiting took 2.5 hours each way� plus recruiting itself was a draining endeavor� talking non-stop for five hours. The was another depressing aspect to it� There were a scary number of computer science majors with decent r�sum�s who had graduated in the summer or earlier� still looking for jobs. Hmmmm�

The unfun doesn�t stop there� I get home and all I want to do is sleep. I haven�t had a decent amount of sleep for the past week and half due to non-stop company. You know how it�s hard to sleep when there are others up and having a good time & making noise� Not only does the noise keep you from sleeping there�s that unshakable feeling of not wanting to miss out on the fun. So yeah,� was in dire need of sleep. I got back from UMCP and turn down an offer of a 25cent-wings trip in hope of nap� I curled up and was almost out when I was awoken by the door opening and closing. I thought it had been White coming home late from work� Again I was just out when the phone rang�

�Hello is this Fritz?�

�Ummmm Errrr�(stumbling with consciousness) yeah��

�Whoooo Hooooo!!!!!�.. *click*�

Eh� not the best way to be awaken� I mean usually I have a pretty good attitude about practical jokes etc� but that just wasn�t the time. I wasn�t sleeping after that. So I went down stairs to try to work on Sliver�s puter� now I know this wasn�t the best idea cause it would only end in frustration� but I thought it was worth a try. Well, crash and burn yo� For the life of me I couldn�t find a needed CD (later I learned we never had it.. fun eh?) I shall spare you the rest of the details of last night� but it ended with no one happy. :(

I�m back at work. The Uber-deadline has come and gone. I got what I needed done. Now it�s time to wade through the mess and clean up all the messy stuff that was pushed to the side during it all. Lastly, there�s another issue� My boss is missing. This isn�t a small deal and it�s bad. And we�re Worried with a capital �W�. From what I know / have heard and what I sense (and taking into account fact vs �I heard blah blah blah�.� ) I�m majorly worried. *sigh*

Now it�s not like I�m in a funk or anything� I�m doing pretty well I just needed / need some sleep and had a bad day. I�ll be fine. Work will be eh� but that�s the nature of work� no really all no worries please. I / It�ll will be back to groovy soon enough. I do want to thank the goddess who is molzo for her g*book love and affection.

No today�s lessons� sorry my brain is just not up to teaching anything� However you should go and discuss some of the new questions at imaskingyou

Take care,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















