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1:29 p.m. - 2001-11-02

They came they rang they got candy�.

Yep we got like 10 trick or treaters. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. I was very pleased and since they all went away with full sized candy bars, I completely expect double the number next year. It�s like since I can�t really go out TorTing anymore I want at least make enjoyable for those who can. I did get one bunch of older kids (high school freshmen I think) anyways they were cool I got nuthing against older TorTers. In fact like half of them passed up the Full sized candy bars in order to insure they weren�t ruining some little tot�s fun.

Afterwards me and some of my friends went to the Door (Our local run down college bar). There was a good turn out of costumed folks. I found my old college security shirt and wore that� (I figured that my aforementioned �media� costume would be a little too much) It was a fun time. And the next day at work wasn�t to horrible either.

Other great news� I fixed my truck. I got home a bit early yesterday and deiced to get into it (picture me diving into a pool of motor grease) . The only hang up was that it took like a half-an hour to get one freaking bolt in to one particular hole�. But isn�t that always the problem�� Anyways got her out and took her for a drive and boy did she purr� no that not right saying my truck purrs is like saying the space shuttle just hops right up into space. But for a thirty year old truck that has been decommissioned for a few months� she did real well.

In tune with the leaves, here at work everything is about to change for me. The intern program I�m in starts me off in one place for 18 months, then I got and do something completely different for like 3 months then I finally come to a rest where I�ll be for the reminder of my career (well that�s it in a nut shell). Well as of October I have been here 18 months so it�s time to go do something different. I�m working on the details of what that is but by definition it�s going to be different and not here not in this building not with these wonderful people who made this job more of a family then work. But I also have to realize one of the reasons my job is good for me is that is forcing me to get used and comfortable with things I�m usually hesitant with� like change.

Hey you all take care,


Fritz quote of day �I never heard the expression You-Should-Have-Been-Here-Yesterday refer to a hair style before�

It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















