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11:17 a.m. - 2001-07-17

Question Reality / Reality Questions

Yesterday was as remarkable as unremarkable. White is transitioning in nicely but I do think his head is still spinning a bit. Tonight though should provide for much more entry worthy material. Sunrise Yellow is coming over for steak and salmon on the grill. And maybe, just maybe there might be some Frisbee golfing done. But I�m not getting my hopes up yet.

Brain tapping done by Nicole .

�1. Do you believe in ghosts? Other "supernatural" types of things?� I find it increasingly difficult to do so, the older I get. Which is truly a shame cause I want so badly for them to be true. I know it�s clique but yes, I WANT TO BELIEVE

�2. If you were wiping sand off your bottle of Pepsi at the beach and a genie popped out and told you it would grant you 3 wishes...what would you wish for?�

hummm� I�m taking for-granted the whole �one cannot wish-for-more-wishes-rule�

One wish would be used getting an obscene and grotesque amount of money. I know it is sad but if used properly money can allow you a lot of freedoms. The second wish would be saved for later with the possible use of immortality for me and those who I choose. But I�d rather not make that decision now. I am too young to grasp the consequences of that wish. The third wish hummmmm I�d either save that one too or I honestly could probably be talked into giving it away to a good cause�

�3. If you could rid the world of ONE type of insect...which one would you choose?� That one is SOOOOoooo easy Every goddamn mosquito would instantly meet an horrid death if it were up to me.

Once again Thanks Nicole for the lovely questions. And please remember all, feel free to write me and ask me anything. D-land is fun and all but so much more so when its interactive. Come on all, there has to be some questions (serious or goofy) you�d like for me to answer.

So my little rant today is on our culture�s shift to reality obsession. Don�t worry I�m not going to go on bashing reality TV. I think that TV was one of the last ones to catch on. For me I first noticed the allure of �reality� when Pearl Jam released TEN. They stood out to me cause their grunge wasn�t disillusionment but more �on my level� They were touchable. They could have been my neighbors. They were not extraordinary. It seems to me that today we are more likely to shy away from the extraordinary. For example the Olympics has not been creating the proportional amount of interest that it used to in the past. Those people the are doing things which none of here on earth can dream of doing. We can�t relate to it. We can�t even imagine dedicating all of our energies into practicing and driving our bodies beyond their designed limits. No. But we can all feel for the guy who falls into a fire. That�s just it. Reality means being able to relate. And as our lives become more and more isolated our need for relating has surfaced via our lust for reality. Sunrise Yellow has recently chastised me for introducing her to D-land here cause it�s just too addicting. And ya know she�s absolutely right. It�s as close to reality has you�re ever going to find on the net. So is this all a bad thing? I honestly don�t think so. It easier for most people learn about their self when relating then when they are dreaming�.

So just to demonstrate the amount of dorkness now within my house�.

Me: �I know it�s dorky but I really want to bring in some lego thing to put on my desk at work so was thinking of making a lego model of my cubical��

White: �Man that you are a dork!�

Me: �I know..�

White: �Well are you going to include a miniature lego model cube in the lego model of the cube?�

Me: (looks at White and blinks)

White: �Yeah I know I�m a dork too��

Take Care all


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















