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4:37 p.m. - 2001-05-14

Long time no write

Sorry you all for being gone so long. I have been quite busy but mostly in good ways. Ahhhh but there�s soooo much to fill you all in on. Lets see I was �sick� Thursday from work and Friday was my CWS day so I had a real long weekend. Wednesday night I made sushi and called it a night in. Thusrday washed my garage floor and did some planting. Thursday and Friday night hehehe� Well my college�s graduation was this weekend so I spent those nights hanging out on my old campus with some of my buds who were graduating. Friday day was huge cause I got up early to coat my garage floor and mow my lawn for the first time which just sucked!!!! I also cleaned house. Saturday I went to graduation and saw my buddies trot across the stage and get their little piece of oh-so-important paper. There was a lot of reflecting that went on about it marking my first whole year in �real� life but I�ll save that for another entry some other time. Saturday night though�.

Well I had a bunch of friends down in the celebration of my birthday which was last week. Yuep I�m an older wiser 23. It was quite an evening. Lots of good discussion (read loud drunken yelling) The turn out was great I got to see a bunch of people who haven�t been around for awhile. Even G____ came which was significant cause W_____ was there and had brought his new gal B_____. But the biggest surprise was�

My EBF SHOWED UP She didn�t stay or even come inside. She just needed to see me and get a hug. We talked for a bit in her car. About everything and nothing. I told her to figure out what she wants out of me and life and what honestly makes her happy then tell me how I fit in and we�ll see what to do at that point. Between you all and me I have no idea. I�d like to have her in my life again but I don�t want to be a bad thing to her. Which unbeknownst to me I had been before. Figure it out then see me. Then she left. Awkward? Yes. Good? Yes. Bad? Yes. Eh�

Now I�m in a class so I don�t have near the access to the internet like I usually do But I�m trying to keep it up.

Take Care all


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















