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8:18 a.m. - 2002-04-03

It all hit me�

I called in yesterday� and stayed home. Sorta cause I wasn�t feeling well and sorta cause I needed the time to get things done. The day went by mostly ok. I went through the pains of acquiring a building permit for the deck� which considering how rural this place is, is quite a hassle. I have to jump through most of the same hoops that I would if I was building a brand new home. Come on!!! It�s a deck. But as like a final ironic insult! Even after I was done filling out all the blasted forms and sending them to all the right agencies� no one requested to see my beautiful color plans which I had worked so hard on. Well, once that was done and I had building permit in hand, I went back to good old 84 Lumber and bought my deck, or should I say I bought the pieces to my deck. Yuep! They should be delivered today or tomorrow depending on the weather.

With all of this accomplished one might think I would have had an easy rest of the day�. Nope.. cause it all hit me. Like a sack of bricks. The stress off all I have gotten myself into washed over me like a lava flow and consequently I was up ALL freaking night with heartburn and a restless mind. Blah�.

But hey not all is bad� I mean things are still pretty peachy. Like, Guest Book love from Candace , pixie, Pam and of course abigail. Thanks guys, that never ceases to make me smile.

Well take care all


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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