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8:04 a.m. - 2001-06-07

I did that

Ok first and foremost lookie at what I did here . It�s nothing extravagant but I�m proud and Forest Green is happy. She came down yesterday and we had good home made sun dried tomato pizza and worked her page some. Yep I�m her web page bitch.

Other exciting things abound�

A) I got out of work a hour early yesterday cause our AC broke and it got too hot. I haven�t gotten out early due to the heat since like Highschool. But I�m not complaining

B) I�m going up to Nap town to hang with SunBurn Red and White this evening

C) It APH�s B-Day so go send your birthday wishes to her

I think I told you guys but I�m going to Rehoboth Beach this weekend with some friends. Reservations have been made and things are all set. Plus on the way back I get to pick up my truck. MY truck. Her name is Dasie and she�s been in the shop for awhile. But she�s ready to come out and make me proud again. She�s an old one, 30 years old to be exact. If you�re ever in the Maryland area and see a guy driving a 1971 bright orange GMC Jimmy�. That�s most likely me. Given I don�t use her all that often, she�s old and well shall we say� �environmentally unfriendly (9-10 mpg)� I have a more practical car for day to day usage. But it� fun every now and then to take the top off of her (She a complete convertible) and drive around.

Take care all


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















