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9:16 a.m. - 2002-10-08

Heading towards good, I hope�

It must be nice to a Supreme Court Justice� You get to pick and choose how much work you have to do.

�The next case is a complicated conflict between the 1st and 5th amendments�

�That sounds quite messy and drawn out�

�Most certainly�

�All in favor of not hearing it�

�aye, aye aye�.�

Imagine being able to pull that off at work. I got three reports here that need to get done� which would you like to do? None� Ok no prb. Now really, I�m just fooling around. I truly respect the justices and the court and what they do (as long as their decisions concur with my outlook on the world).

This morning was not quite as dark, there were fewer clouds I suppose. However, it was sure chilly. Actually chilly isn�t the quite right word. I�d lean towards �refreshing� But then again calling anything before 7am refreshing is a bit of a stretch. Crisp� yeah� that�s it. It was a crisp morning. The idea the morning had an edge to it.. a cleanness a sharpness. And indeed it did. A slight and tight breeze, no clouds, no dew, no fog. The kind of morning that goes� �it�s all you� . It�s as if the Batman�s and Superman�s of the world have done their job over night and left behind a flawless morning. Well, flawless outside of you. That�s the downside to such a perfect morning� it can stand to contrast all of your woes. The stresses that await you, now standout like wolves among poodles. But they would have been there anyways� Indeed there�s comfort in being able to see them with such clarity�.It is just you and this perfect world.

If this entry sounds more cautiously optimistic then my past few, it should. I spent the weekend and most of yesterday exploring my issues at hand, instead of the fretting and avoiding of before. I�ve reached a few conclusions and have found the comfort and needed security to now be able to act upon them. Are these ideal conclusions? No, not in the least but I feel they will allow the most happiness for the most people� We�ll see I suppose.

BTW the above mentioned issues are not my work / boss related ones. The problem with those issues is how little input I have into them. But eh� tis life, tis work. Fun fun� On a significantly happier note, thank ya Marla for the Guest Book love. And surprise, surprise I added yet another question to imaskingyou. This one is considerably less serious and hopefully you all will let your creative marbles roll all over it.

Today�s Lessons

-There is something innately frightening about the words �random� and �death� being in the same sentence.

-Our eyes are filled with rods and cones receptions that pick up light and let us see. Cones respond to color but are not nearly as sensitive to light as Rods, which only see Black n White and can�t even detect some reds� which is why night lights are often red and why stop signs sometimes appear to be gray at night.

-IRS officers are allowed to use the HOV lanes in Virginia but not in Maryland.

-Surprisingly, those �click here to be removed from our mailing list� links at the bottom of spam do actually work.

-There seems to be an almost moral obligation to own a cell phone now theses days�. I�m not sure if that is entirely a bad thing.

-To all of you naughty credit-card Navy boys, I have two words for you �ATM Advance�

Take Care,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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