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10:20 a.m. - 2002-01-07

TheFritz minus four teeth.

The funny thing about getting your wisdom teeth removed is� nothing� Actually it wasn�t that bad at all. I got to the doc�s Friday morning. They had me sit down and started giving me nitrous to quote �take the edge off� The doc was apparently busy jabbering away on the phone so I was well on my way when he finally got in to give me the IV of the real anesthesia and started asking me about work. I was just explaining to him how that Friday was my ever other Friday off�.

�. Then I woke up to the nurse saying I can have a seat over there. At that exact moment I didn�t feel a thing. I honestly thought they must have been only like half done or something� but no they were all done and I was feeling fine�. That was because I was still swimming in a sea of pain killers that were breathed in, injected in, IV�ed in, and swallowed. Needless to say at that moment I didn�t feel shit.

I got home and the doc told me to be sure to eat something. So I figured that my craving for mashed potatoes would be perfect to fulfill now. I was wrong. While they are nice and soft� you need a tongue to eat them�and right then a working tongue was exactly what I didn�t have. Eh�. After some trial and error I found that Campbells chicken and noodles soup worked well and slid down the back of my throat (the only part of my mouth that had any feeling what so ever) with ease. The rest of the day was spent sleeping and waking up to feeling a new part of my mouth and thus new pain. I ended up taking two of the heavily pain killers that night but haven�t needed them since. And as of last night had regained limited chewing ability although my jaw and tongue are still really sore�.

Actually I really don�t have much else to report. I spent the rest of the weekend abusing the doc�s advice to �take it easy�. But alas I�m back at work and gearing up for a long full week. Uhg� In other news Fritz the handy man is planning a return� I have been assigned to construct a window seat / blanket chest. And while I have a plan all set as to how I�m going to do it� whether or not I can pull it off is another question. I�ll keep you all posted.

Take Care,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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