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10:59 a.m. - 2001-04-08

Good Morning all. I hope everybody's weekend has been going better than mine

has. All Friday and yesterday I have been feeling like absolute shit, no energy,

sinus crappyness, Like I tried that Affirn stuff. Ya know that spray up your nose

so you can breath shit. UHG!!!! Sure it helped me breath but for the next 24hr I

had the jitters and my nose felt tingly but not quite, burning but not quite,

itchy but not quite. It felt plain weird and I am never taking the stuff again

so help me. Also the weather has been a bit disappointing. It's been warmer than

usual but also cloudy and rainy which defeats the whole beautiful day, make me

feel better thing. But this is not a depressing entry. No really this is a super

happy joyous entry why you ask??

1. I woke up feeling better today. Sinus not too bad. I have a decent bit of energy.

And the Affirn side effects have worn off�

2. Today has a good chance of being that sunny-warm-beautiful-spring day I have

been waiting for

3. I received another heart-warming complement, Thank You sooo MUCH, Abby. Oh and a million Thanks for putting me on your fav list.�

4. Laura sent me some

kickass diary suggestions via e-mail which I am grateful for.�

5. I was able to finish updating my page and my older entries' page

(Drum roll please................)

6. I finished my secret project and GOT IT UP!!!!!

Time to let the cat out of the bag.....

So like I was in the shower one day, thinking about the diaries I had visited so

far. And I realized that one of the things I almost always do when visiting a

diary I haven't read before, I look up and read their first entry. It gives you a lot

of insight to that person and why they're writing an online diary in the first

place. It can set the whole tone for what is to come from them. Plus its cool

for like massively popular diaries like perceptions, to see how they got started

in the first place..... So why not have a diary dedicated to first-entries?

and thus...

FIRSTIMES was born. I finished the

last of the details and entered its first entry last night. I'm really proud of

this idea and how it came together. But I do need some help from you guys. You

all have been really supportive towards this page and I thank you all very

dearly. I promise you I'll keep this page going probably with little to no

noticeable change. I'm keeping the two pages completely separate. Firstimes

has it's own guestbook and e-mail address. What I need from you guys is your

honest opinion of it. And if you truly think it's worthy, please spread the word

and tell people about it. But if you think it's a horrible rotten idea that is

just bound to piss people off, then please tell me that too.

Take Care have a great sunday


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















