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9:02 a.m. - 2002-01-24


I have a new habit. And this time it�s actually a good one. For about that past month I have been regularly making the bed in the morning. This is something I have never done (on a regular basis) at any other point in my life. Even now I don�t remember why I started doing it. Maybe we had company staying with us or something anyways I�ve kept it up and you know� It�s nice. First off my bed is a king size and is a huge monstrosity (all it needs is a flag and it could be its own country) in a not so large room. So like making the bed is the equivalent to cleaning more that half the room. Second it is SOOOooo nice getting into a well made bed at the end of a long day, I swear it helps me get to sleep better. But at the same time it discourages� unproductive lounging shall we say, kinda makes for a �for-official-use-only� feeling. Anyways it�s a good habit and I plan on keeping it up.

heh.. speaking of sleeping. There�s something I could use decent more of. All week I have been going to bed an hour or two later than normal� and this has started to get to me. Uhg� Not has it been because I have been busy getting stuff done or working on projects.. well I guess you might say I�ve been working on a project in some sense� more of an experimentation� and I that�s all I�m going to say now� other than it�s been happily keeping me up at nights� God oh I long for college and the days of 11:00 classes�

Yeah� SunriseYellow was lamenting how she was just starting to come to terms with the idea that she�ll from now on will be a part of the 9to5 workforce. I recommended her, to try not to think of it. That�s one thing that is certainly better to have sneak up on you then to dwell about. It�s just easier to one day wake up and go �This sucks� then to fear it like the plague and dedicate your life to avoiding it and yet still have it come after you like a B-grade horror move villain. I mean it can be avoided and I applaud those who have. But for the vast majority of us out there it is more or less the inevitable. It�s not too bad.. Weeks fly by as you live for the weekends and true, a part of your soul does die but then again part of it died when you learned the tooth fairy wasn�t real too. *sigh* And yes this little rant is me just trying to convince myself that it�s going to be alright� When really when I told her not to think of it� it was cause I didn�t want to think about it�

Oh thank you, Kristy for taking the time to sign the old G*Book.

Well that�s it for now you all as always, Take Care


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Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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