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12:55 p.m. - 2001-06-29

A/C = godliness

So if hell is commonly associated with fire is it wrong for me to consider Air Conditioning a required feature of heaven and related aspects there of. I mean it makes sense doesn�t it? There are few better things than walking in from a hot, humid day into a well air-conditioned room. It gives your whole body this freeing/ refreshing feeling. Just basking in the crisp cool air seems to de-stress oneself. See, my parents were/are tightwads/penny-pinchers/ cheapskates and only the rarest of circumstances would cause them to turn on our air-conditioning before August. Given our house had about the same amount of insulation as your typical body-conscious teen-age girl. But still, I had a better chance of feeling air-conditioning by walking into any of friends� houses than if I had gone home. (And my parents wonder why I spent so much time away from home�tisk,tisk,tisk silly them)

I ate lunch today, outside at my old apartment�s beach. It was nice to be by the water but it�s a hot humid day so I finished my sandwich and headed back to the old daily grind here. Where I was given a refresher course on the above mentioned godliness of A/C. Besides that not much else new to report. Oh I don�t think I�ve told you all but I have a 5 count them FIVE day weekend next week. From the 4th through the Sunday. No big plans for that right now but with that much free time I�m sure I�ll come up with fun things to do.

I hope all of you have a good weekend. Remember if you�re bored, feel free to write me and speak your mind or ask me anything

Take Care


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















