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10:56 a.m. - 2002-04-29


They say you can tell a lot from some one by looking at their hands.. well what does the fact that I practically used Neosporin has hand lotion this morning tell ya about my weekend? Yeah, it was a rough one. The birthday dinner and movie and TALK with Purple went well, and it think we�re cool� or at least we�re going to be. She�s got a lot to workout and work on though esp with White� the next few weeks / months are just going to suck as far as that�s concerned� but it is for the best.. Shit.. no it�s Absolutely needed. Eh.. The crashing at Maroon�s that followed was extremely nice but I was also extremely exhausted.. still though, certainly an highlight of the weekend. Ahhh then I got up too early Saturday to rocket down here (I spent way too much of this weekend totally disregarding those little white signs next to the road with numbers on them) so I could help with X-Mas in April� which is a once-a-year community service thing where a bunch of people volunteer to work on houses which are in dire need of improvement / repair, and their inhabits can�t do it themselves nor afford to pay some one to do it for them. I ended up helping build a new wheel chair ramp for someone�s trailer. If felt good to help but I was tired and I was working with a bunch of contractors who are pro�s at this game so I felt a little green shall we say. But I held my own. But as we were nearing completion silly me was cutting wood with a circular saw and not wearing goggles (to my defense no one else was either) and I got shit in my eye� pretty bad. It hurt the rest of the night after eye wash after eye wash *sigh*.. that combined with feeling completely wornout.. and Fritz felt like Shit! But a good night�s of sleep did the trick and by Sunday my eye was mostly better. I still felt groggy but was able to get some work done on my house / Deck. Got the lawn fertilized, reseeded and treated. Oh and the deck is all decked out (i.e. the floor is all done). Now I just need to build stairs and the railing.. yeah that�s all.. *sigh*

And now there�s this time crunch� My B-day is coming up in two weeks and My grandparents are coming in from Indianan So them and my parents want to come down and see everything. So that means a Super house cleaning is in order plus I�d like to get the deck mostly if not all done� hummm maybe a day off might help a bit�

Well it also seemed like my Guest Book was busy this weekend too. Thank much to Krista, Sami, Nicole, and Abs. For their wonderful notes. Oh and Marla left me another question (hehehe if you have figured it out I LOVE questions)�. What does "magic" mean to you and do you believe it exists? Oh sheesh.. now that�s a toughie� Well in a traditional sense, I guess not. I mean I believe there is a magic in the way things all work together (especially us humans) that science will never be able to explain. But I see us more of a part of it all then being able to control it.. in the traditional concept of magic. Ya guys get that?

Take care,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















