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3:53 p.m. - 2001-05-08

For the 99th time!!!

Well in case you haven�t put it on you buddy list (HINT freaking HINT) firstimes is now updated for your viewing pleasure. Today has been a good but busy day. Lots of work came in and a lot went out (funny how those things work). I also told a college chum about his here old web diary. She commented that I�d don�t appear as chipper and jovial in it as did in College. I�m not sure if it�s just the medium or if I am actually am more subdued now ::gulp:: I guess it might be that since I do most of these entries at work where there is little to no chance a game of Frisbee golf is going to break out and my closest of friends are more then a few doors away. But still, for my surroundings I feel above average in the bouncy/jovial quotient. I am in the process of trying to locate some suitable desk toys to maintain and ensure the proper level of playfulness.

1) An wind-up walking & sparking 3 inch Godzilla

2) One of those red-fluif filled bobbing/drinking bird things

3) A sand zen garden (however this might become to messy in my hands)

4) Some Silly putty

5) A Magic 8 ball

And I am seriously contemplating bringing my lava lamp in!

A thought that came to me earlier today:

People some times get to that point where they feel that there�re at the worst place in their lives and see no hope of things ever getting better. It�s scary to see people there, especially our friends. But they have to realize they aren�t at their worst.

A person is at their most miserable point right after they�re born. Follow me on this one: The instant you are born, you�re messy, immobile, can�t see right yet and have no independence what so ever. Strike that. You have one thing in your sole control � your voice, which you�re probably using to annoy everyone immediately surrounding you. But in every other aspect- food, warmth, care you�re at the complete mercy of the same woman whose last nine months you have made a total hell hold which just very recently came to an excruciatingly painful end. And now your life in her hands.

Yet some how you�ve made it this far to and you can do it again. And lets face it you have a lot more at your disposal now then you did back then

Take care,


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















