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2:36 p.m. - 2001-12-06


I did it. I guess maybe I was feeling a little cocky having written my 200th entry. I did something I honestly never thought I�d do. I submitted my diary to review�.. In hindsight I kinda regret it. I mean I faired out pretty swell. Scored a 92% (out of 100 thank you very much). And did receive some pretty good advice that I�ll graciously/surely use if I ever to get around to changing my layout. But was it worth the stress? As soon as I hit the �submit� button, my heart dropped. What was I doing? I mean I had just gotten done explaining how this diary exists solely to support myself worth. And there I went and proceeded to break dance under Damocles� sword by offering this reflection of me to the scrutiny of strangers. I might as well have stripped completely naked in some large very public place and shouted �Well, what to you all honestly think, please feel free to be brutally honest� Alas, I did well and managed to escape the whole ordeal with my pride and dignity intact. Thank You Naked Reviews for being gentle and kind.

But they did say one thing that hit me hard. �I read a lot but still don't really feel like I know you very well.� Is that true you all. Please tell me otherwise. I mean I would like to think that my personality seeps into to this diary yet, apparently it doesn�t or I�m lacking one entirely. Eh? I guess this would be a good place to repeat my deal. If there is anything you all would like to know about me or would like me to write about.. Just let me know. I will be more than happy to fill you all in. That one comment really slapped me. Ya know? I mean what is this, if not a reflection of me?

Well I also celebrated my 200th entry by carefully selecting a few new diary rings to enjoy. I saw quite a few which I certainly qualify under but felt it nesary to limit my self to three. So the new additions are

I thought this was especially appropriate since its qualification is 200 entries. And thus now is something I can wear as a badge in a way.

A lot of what I write about, my very hesitant stumblings into real life and the �selective maturity� which I endorse, are issues that are especially relevant to us 20somethings in general.

I guess if I had to pick one major factor out of my personality that you all don�t get to see/experience via this diary medium, It�d have to be my innate / ever present / overwhelming / need/desire to cuddle. It�s by far is my favorite thing to do. Yes, even beyond dorking and Frisbee Golf. It�s almost an addiction (hell, it very well might be). It�s the #1 straight shot to my heart. If you�re a person who�s good at cuddling and likes to do it (specifically with me) I�ll be your friend for life. And is NOT!, in any way, an understatement.

Oh for all of you Ani Difranco fans out there that might actually read this diary, I read an article in RollingStone today that said that The Dave Matthews Band will be doing a cover of �Joyful Girl� on their next album. Now, don�t get me wrong I�m a big fan of DMB too. And really respect their work and their covers. Further I have no problems with them doing an Ani song, Infact I see it a huge sign of respect. But why oh why �Joyful Girl�. It�s a beautiful and meaningful song� coming out of HER mouth. Who knows I guess we�ll just have to wait and see, I might be pleasantly surprised with the result, kinda like getting a 92% score on a diary review.

Take care all


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















