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8:46 a.m. - 2001-03-29

I get into work and wrtie my emails, read the news and then finally work my way to checking my guestbook. I STOP��. Stare��Blink..Blink��Stare some more�.�. I am looking at yet another set of questions from another person. This is unbefuckinglievable. I am riding a high here. Wow!!!! Dumbfounded with a sense of awe!��. Thank you soooooo much! (You can�t say I�m unappreciative)

These thought provoking questions were brought to today by the generous grace of ellen . Before you go running off to read her diary which I do highly recommend, I must warn you that she has a password on it, so you�ll have to contact her and convince her that you�re worthy enough to read her diary. Now don�t sweat it too much if I was able to fool her into thinking I was worthy I�m sure you all will have no problems.

(drum roll please�����..)

The questions:

1.) � ... favorite kind of cheese?� Well truth be told for the last year I have be dabbling in the arena of fine cheeses. For a while I was really into percornio-romano(sp?) It had a good semi nutty flavor and worked great with most of my cooking. Then I went through a little phase and was loving high quality Parmesan. But just thus past Monday I decided to buy a small block of Asiagio (sp? If spell-check can�t spell it, neither can I). It has a more nutty but less strong of a flavor. Kinda hard to describe and I haven�t really had a chance to work it into one of my dishes yet so I am reserving my opinion. Whewwww and I bet you were just expecting something like Kraft-singles or something like that.

2.) �ideal woman/man/mate-for-life/person?� Someone who loves putting up with all of my shit. (yes it takes me 8 sentences to describe what�s my favorite cheese but only one to answer who�d make my ideal mate. What can I say that�s the way Fritzs work)

3.) �favorite color tic tac?� Hands down orange!!!!! I mean the rest of them are decent But I love the orange. Now my Favorite mint in general though, are the Wintergreen Altiods with the Peppermint a close second.

4.) �boxers or briefs?� Neither I prefer boxer-briefs. Snug fitting but not confining. Once you try them you won�t go back.

5.) �favorite poptart?� Ohhhhhhh poptarts. Now I don�t often have them but I really do enjoy the more desserty ones. My favorite has gotta be the S�Mores.

Again thank you Ellen, sooooo much. SOOOO Much. And even more than that. To the rest of you: please feel free to write too. Hell even if you have already asked a set of questions you can ask again. Ain�t nuthing wrong with that. Please also feel free to use my email If you want. Trust me I won�t mind.

Hummm that makes the Tally: 20 questions (hehehe) from 3 people (almost sounds like a gameshow). Well in my not so exciting life yesterday was a productive day. Got the mailbox up, hung some pictures and two big mirror. One of them is huge!!! 7 feet by 4 feet. And no it went in the dinning room and not the bedroom ceiling as some of you might be thinking�. Sheeesh!

Work calls�

Take Care and all of you, do me a favor���.SMILE



It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















