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08:24 a.m. - 2001-03-26

What a weekend!!!! AND it wasn�t even a long one. So much done and so much to tell you all� Ok first things first. The Cat was successfully dodged. My wonderful friend (who�s boyfriend is having the INS problems) is going to look after it for awhile. Whooo hooo!!! It will be resting comfortably in a very nice apartment.

Hummm Friday night went to bed at 6:00 PM that is, not AM. Got mad mad sleep. Saturday trekked to Ikea and went nuts!!! In good ways. Among the cool buys was a pot hanging rack and a octopus like master bedroom light. Then got the cat all housed up. Finally made it back down here. Yesterday was a huge productive day. Got he satellite hooked up. It�ll be good where it is until we get neighbors then it�s too the roof. Traced my property lines and they went back a little further then I expected so that�s cool. And put together / hooked up all the Ikea stuff. And even had a chance to make a good dinner.

BUT WAIT that�s not the coolest part. I got a reply to my whole ask me questions thing. And that makes the running tally at 11 questions from 1 person (hopefully those numbers will increase, hint, hint, cough cough, nudge, nudge). Now without further ado�. To answer you, Nicole the best I can:

1. I was born in the fabulous year of 1978

2. My first pet was a simple but big goldfish that ended up living for years. Then I had a hamster that met a traumatic untimely death, that�ll have an entire entry dedicated to it sometime. I mean it still gives me shivers. (And just so all of you will stop thinking� It had absolutely nothing to do with Richard Gere or cardboard tubes or explosive body gases� God you all are perverts)

3. This was a great question: �What do you daydream about on long drives?� As a veteran of many many long drives. I know that they serve as a wonderful place to dream and think. My usual thoughts are of issues at hand. If I�m pissed off at my parents or something/body else then I sometimes will end up dwelling. On the other hand sometimes a long drive is just what I need to put things into perspective and get over issues. Oh and I do a lot of planning, like what should I do for a stereo or how should middle east peace proceed. Then there�s the whole materialistic �what would I do mad loads of money�-thoughts (those I�ll discuss in an entry all to themselves). Basically I put my life in order or some form thereof.

4. Through 11 Were questions pertaining to the whereabouts of a certain supposed monkey of mine. Which I�m not sure if it was meant to symbolically portray my lost childhood or my repressed id or if it was referring to an exceptionally harry friend of mine.

So here: My lost childhood is making up for lost time everyday, my id isn�t and has never been repressed and the last I have heard about John he was doing Teach-America somewhere.

I hope that covers it. Thanks again Nicole!

Take care all


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

My Favorite
















