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14:50:38 - 2001-03-06

In the absence of any thing else�

Nothing, I have nothing to do, to keep my mind busy.

You know they talk about a mid life crisis but they should also discuss quarter life crisis. I mean there are plenty of movies and show dedicated to the perils of twenty something�s. Now I haven� t been a twenty something that long about 2 years but still it�s a big transition. I mean maybe in the past people haven�t had the opportunity to notice the transition from be cared for / little responsibilities to the eventful end, kids marriage and mortgage ( in no certain order). The question that I and many face is what of the past can you keep and what must go. For example for one reason or another posters stuck to the wall with fun-tack aren�t considered decoration anymore. Can a guy with a job / career take off a week for spring break and party. We done growing but we�re not grown up. Some us are luck have found the right husband / wife / permanent SO. Some of us think we have� It�s not that we don�t want to grow up. There are a lot of aspects that are cool. Owning my own house (once it freaking finished) is something that I can�t wait for. And we�re old enough to be allowed to do anything and go anywhere (except rent a car in some places).

That sorta relates to another transition� One�s reputation. Not too long ago if we screwed up it made our parents look bad and was seen as a learning experience. Now if we do WE look bad and WE pay for it. If we did nothing in the past so be it but now if we sit around and do nothing we�re slackers. So you go out a get job but then what. Hopefully by this point you have found out what makes you happy and what you live for. For me it�s friends and relationships. Awww but this too anit perfect.

The friends thing. Now we�ve been through this before. From elem school to middle school, from middle to high and from high school to college you have lost friends and then have made new ones. Your probably pretty good at it by now. Dump you in a pool of your peers and you�ll find at least a handful that you can grow close to. But what now? You�re out of college and there isn�t a pool of peers. I mean there are peers here and there but not nearly has accessible. There are bars and clubs but they�re filled with peers looking for that possible permanent SO. So now what? �


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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