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21:17:21 - 2001-02-26

Ok so here�s my frustration at the moment or of the last five months� Building a house. Or more correctly having a house built for you. I have yet to hear a happy story about getting it done� and now I know why. Ugh!!! It our first house and we�re a young couple so we built a simple split-foyer type with an unfinished basement. It was supposed to be done December 8th. Well it finally looks like its going to be done this coming weekend. The thing that has been holding it up and pushing back closing from week to week has been the final grating and the concrete for the driveway and front steps. Inside the house is basically done. It just needs to have railings on the front steps to pass code. And for there to be a railing there needs to be steps and for there to be steps the concrete has to be poured and for that to happen forms need to be built and for the forms to be built the ground needed to be grated and for that to happen the ground needed to be dry and that didn�t happen until last Wednesday. Blah! But today Monday 26 Feb 2001 the concrete was poured!!! Now only the railings stand in our way!

I feel bad bitching so much I know others have had it worse. But we have had to go weeks now without a phone cause we had our line switched there already and our mail is already going there. Well it trying to but there isn�t a mail box there yet. Not to mention telling all friends to come down to help us move then calling and tell them oops it didn�t get done lets try next weekend. Repeat process for following weeks etc.

But this is a great thing. I have always dreamed about having my own house where I can do with it what I want. To have a lawn I can make look like I want. I have garage now where I can collect / use any tools that I can get my hands on. Most importantly I can put in a Hot Tub. Hell if I could have had it my way I would have gotten the hot-tub then built the house around it. But alas the house needed to come first. And we�re not close either. I need a fence and patio/deck before I can get a hot-tub. That�s going to take money some of which I going to get from selling my 71� GMC Jimmy hardtop convertible. It�s a collectors item. The other money will come some how some way. (hopefully some will come from a left over wedding gift I waiting for)

Well that�s all for today. This was nice I just think I might keep it up�


It�s been cool - 2005-05-18
Event Horizon - 2004-08-03
For the record - 2004-06-06
For the record - 2004-06-06
nonforgotten - 2004-04-30

If you happen to have a surplus of funds, please feel free to buy something for little old me off my Wish list. You will earn my undying love and gratitude. ;)

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